Free Space Optics

Welcome to our webpage, where we delve into the fascinating world of free space optics (FSO) and its application in harsh environments. Free space optics, also known as optical wireless communication, offers a unique and innovative solution for data transmission in challenging settings. Harsh environments, characterized by extreme temperatures, high levels of dust, and electromagnetic interference, require reliable and robust communication systems. FSO technology utilizes lasers or LEDs to transmit data through the air, eliminating the need for physical cables. Join us as we explore the advantages, challenges, and real-world applications of FSO in harsh environments, where traditional communication methods face limitations. Discover how FSO enables secure and high-speed data transmission, making it a viable option for industries such as defense, media & broadcast,  oil and gas, and aerospace

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Custom Development

Custom Development

AVoptics has a dedicated research team that are considered experts in the development of Free Space Optical  Communication (FSOC) systems and we can work with you to develop a custom or bespoke solution. 



Galahad is a Free Space Optical Communication system that is ideally suited where communication is required between moving platform(s). 

WOLF (Wireless Optical Link Field)

WOLF (Wireless Optical Link Field)

WOLF (Wireless Optical Link Field) is a free space optical communications (FSOC) system. It offers a versatile and secure solution for high-speed data transmission in the field. 

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