Rail & Transport

What we do for Rail & Transport

Discover the game-changing applications of photonics and optical fibre in the mass transit industry on our website. Photonics and optical fibre technologies are revolutionizing public transportation systems. From high-speed data communication networks to accurate sensing and monitoring systems, photonics and optical fibre enable efficient and safe mass transit operations. Discover how these technologies enhance passenger experience, optimize traffic management, and enable advanced transportation solutions. Join us to explore the cutting-edge applications of photonics and optical fibre in the mass transit industry, shaping the future of urban mobility.

What we offer
Our Services
research and development

R & D

AVoptics have a world-class team of optical and photonic Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians who can cost-effectively support you in realising a product or part of a system design.

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Our courses, accredited by both the SAE and ARINC, will give your team essential knowledge whether they are preparing for the introduction of fibre optics or are maintaining and supporting legacy fibre systems.

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Cable Assemblies

We can design, develop, manufacture, and test a wide range of cable assemblies. Where companies already have a design, we are comfortable offering a build-to-print service or we can help you design, specify, and assemble.

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Talk to our experts

Call 01935 471606 or email info@avoptics.com and one of our team members will be happy to help and offer their expertise.

Whether your enquiring about a service, product or have a general question we will be able to help

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